Wednesday 14 May 2014

Pond Run Relay

aight, honestly this was one of my favourite activities, but the hardest. "hardest" i mean hardest to keep up, because it felt that this whole activity was all about me vs. me. lso, i made a goal, and the goal was to not to walk and keep a constant pace in each lap i had. the good news was that i did not run and i did kept up the pace, so i was satisfied about my efforts. also, having the people im my team cheer for me was the best. their cheerings and encouragements really gave me more confidence for myself. thus cheering for them back, because -hopefully- they get the same effect as me. 

April 25: Scottish Mile and Other Stuff

it was a fitness day, so the first thing we did was the Scottish mile. there, basically, youre in a group and you try your hardest to keep up with your group. also, i wasnt so hard and it was fun. after the Scottish mile my group and i did a baton relay. at the time i was exited, because it was something that i havent done in a while. also, because of that i did my very best.

in the Scottish mile, i learnt about catching up with the team, and in the baton relay, i learnt about working together within the team.

April 17: Volley Ball

It was a choice day, so i picked volley ball, because the other activities were not my bast fit. anyways, and to be honest, our team wasnt good at volley ball. however, it didnt changed the mood within the court and it wasnt so bad. actually, i enjoyed it, because of how high-spirited the players were. even though we all know that most of us suck at volley ball, that kind of thinking didnt stop us from having a great time. also, playing volley ball with them was kind of refreshing, because there, none of us cared about winning. instead we cared about having a great time. lastly, at that day, i learnt that one doesnt have to be good physically, but socially.