Saturday 28 February 2015

Dragon Tails

ON Wednesday, were went out side to the upper field along with Mr. Davis's class. 
There, the student-teacher, John crated a game called dragon tails. how i understood it, it's like a combination of tails, dr. doge ball, and foot ball. The tails aspect is that when one pulls another's tail, the one who looses the tail is out. Then the dr. dogeball aspect is there when one has to pull the tail of the one with a rubber band on their wrist. finally the football aspect is there when the only way to score is to have the  one with rubber band (the doctor so-to-speak) go to the end of the field. Dragon tails was really fun for it was new, and inclusive, which was one thing that i appreciate about having John join our class. I'm looking forward to new ideas and I'm sure every one else is; may be confusing at first, but we get through it every time.  

when we played it all of us were divided by grade (a team of 10s, another of 8s, and two teams of grade nines), and i was surprised that the team that i was in was surprisingly inclusive and it feels like a team, which i find unusual. anyways, it was really fun and i admired the grade 9's team work, and grade 10's inclusiveness.