Thursday 11 June 2015

My final post

1) Participation:
Aside from being in my gym strip, I think i did well; much better than before i must say. for example, last year, i was so quiet, such a wall flower; this year's different. this year, I've become more vocal, and then in the end of the year, i tend to take the role of a leader, which is a huge difference! Here are some examples:

22/25 For this part

2) Social Responsibility and Contribution to the Class:

This is something that i need to work on. first of all, working with other people outside of my group is very hard for me; probably because i tend to be shy and judgmental, but nonetheless its no good. Secondly, there are times where i feel hesitant with being the leader. Especially being the leader of a big group (like a class team). i know a handful of people that have that amazing drive to leadership (i do to:P), but having a hundred leaders is trouble some, so i tend to back down. Third, instead of being a leader i choose to be the one to set an example. The example that i want to give off is someone who is positive, a kind listener, and a hard worker. So i guess setting a good example is a way of contributing to the wellness of the team. 

On the other hand, i'm always willing to help and set up for activities. Especially in the last months of this school year (when i now feel comfortable with my class), i volunteer on getting the equipment.

19/25: my social skills could do some work

3) Healthy Living:

I used to be very involved with sports, such as basket ball, volley ball, and track. however, ever since i moved to a whole new school and city, i kind of neglected my club activities. It's due to the fact that i didn't feel so confident about myself. for example when i was grade 8, i tried out for the basketball team, i made it to the team, but i didn't go to the practices, due to my lack of confidence. however, today's different... SO different! Ever since i joined the rugby team, i realized how fun it was to be in a team. Thus, my goal for the next two years is to join rugby and volley ball.

Digital portfolio/reflective posts:

Okay, so obviously, i suck at posting regularly, period.

When i actally do my posts, i really think about them. Also, as i write them I think about the athmosphere. Sometimes i point out places that need improvement. 

If i post regularly it'd be cool.

Overall i thnk that i earn 75%, even thoug i paeticipated in class with positve energy, i wasnt so keen on my posting habits; even though its reflective.

My Mom Reads My Blog


1) Have you read your son/daughters blog? Was there anything that surprised you or stood out immediately? What was your favourite part about reading his/her reflections? What did you learn about your son/daughter that you didn't know before reading the blog? What part of your child's growth/personality has been reaffirmed for you? What is missing in the blog that you think s/he should include for the teacher or peers? If you were evaluating him/her on his/her blogging efforts, what would you say? What would you give him/her out of 25? How did you come up with that number?

Yes, I read my daughter's blog. My favourite part was when she encouraged the team to know each other so they can play better, is such a good feeling for a mother to see your child can do something for others. I'll give her 20/25. Not too perfect but i'm satisfied.


2) What do you notice about your child's health choices outside of school? What activity and or diet choices does s/he make on their own? What exercise/eating choices are encouraged buy the family/household? Did you see any evidence of this in his/her blog? What is missing that should be included? What improvements do you think your child could/should make to further his/her understanding and participation in his/her own health? What things can you as parent do to push this learning/practice? If you were to evaluate your son/daughter on their progress towards personal healthy life choices what would you say? What mark would you give them out of 25 for his/her efforts and demonstration of those efforts in the blog? How did you come up with that number?

Actually, I can see that Marcia is aware of what she's eating. As teenager, mostly they don't like vegetables and fish, but for Marcia, she can eat those stuffs everyday without complaints. If missing something, probably more pictures. For further understanding  about health? She should continue reading and watching all documentaries about health and lifestyle livings. This time i give her 25/25 for the efforts.