Sunday 1 March 2015

Buddy Project Day One

At last i finally met my buddy, and my buddy was pretty shy at first, but thats okay it takes time.

Anyways for the first day of the buddy project, we played dragon tails, and i was happy to see the enthusiasm that the kids had and how we conducted the activity. First of all, i was glad to see that my buddy was really involved in the game and how she went out of her by herself to be the one to behold the band, because when i was her age i couldnt do that, so i was proudof her. Also, the positive and energetic athmosphere is another thing that i love so much about being with children, and i look forward to day 2 or our project. 


  1. Me too! They are so great to be around! I am going to switch to student teaching Grade 4... see ya guys.

  2. Now that you've had a couple of days to consider the experience, what was teaching the little buddies the War Chariots game like for you? This game required a little more hands-on attention from you as big buddies/teachers, as running in every direction isn't exactly an effective strategy.

    However the activity seemed to go pretty well! Was there anything you did or said that seemed to help your buddy understand the nuances of the game? Working with young ones who have short attention spans is a great opportunity for growth for us all, no matter how much 'teacher experience we have'...
