Tuesday 4 March 2014

Fitness tuesday

For firness tuesday we did the pyramid workout. Wasnt my favorite to be honest, but it didnt stop me from trying. I didnt work with anyone, because i was practicing self motivation. My goal for this activity was to finish it as quick as possible (thats what were supose to do, right?). Anyways i achived it, and i felt good about that. Yay!

This is just me v-sitting. . .


  1. your explanations might need a little in depth and a video will improve this blog immensly

  2. That's great how you were practicing self motivation because that tells me that you are able to motivate yourself on fitness days. I've noticed that you've been pushing yourself harder than you did in the beginning of the year. You've really improved a lot !

  3. Look at those sexy legs, looking better and better each day ;)

  4. Its good that youre trying to self motivate! Keep blogging but try to talk about how you felt about the workout!

  5. Good Job Marcia!! I liked how you were demonstrating self-motivation :) Try posting more often and you'll be higher then before :) Keep challenging yourself...bring out your innner noble leader :))
