Tuesday 4 February 2014

Fitness test

Todays fitness assesment, i felt a bit disapointed about my beeptest score. It wasnt where i want it to be. I can say that the long break (last week) was the reason why, but it shouldnt be it. Well, i did slept more than i shouldve during the break (since i longed for it). However, i can go out do stuff its just that i chose not to. But on the other hand, i did improve some other stuff... well heres the old one:
Beep test: 8
Plank: 27 secs
T test: 12 secs
Ballance: 10 touches (i did not specify on how long i was on the board. Sorry)
Pushups: 25
Sit and reach: lvl 3 (i did not specify on how long i did it. Sorry)
Hieght: 210 jump: 240

And heres the new one:
Beep test: 7.3
Sit n reach: lvl 4 for 30 secs
Hieght: 210 jump: 240
Push up: 30
Balance board: 20 touches in a min.
Plank: 54 secs.

pics shown:
1- total time to finish T-
2- total time to plank
3- total time to do the sit n reach (lvl 4

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