Saturday 1 February 2014

My afternoon run

This afternoon i ran from King Geoge blvd. to 144 st. This took me not a very long time to achive this goal and i felt very good about it. Before i decided to go straight home, i went a bit farther, so the run took me a total 30 minutes. Wow.

In addition, i would like to add a few tips of mine when going out for a run. I just thought of these while running so i'd like to share (this is something that i shouldve added to my last post):
1- Stretch: its important to warm up your body before running or else you'll end up with stiff-moving joints. Loosen up dont be up tight
2- Set a goal: doing this will keep you motivated!
3- Listen to up beat music: its nice to listen to different kinds of music. However, i prefer something like dance, techno, dubstep, or anyrhing that will keep you up and enegetic!
4- Find inspiration: probaly, when your out to exercise, you might see other people doing the samething, working hard as you or working harder than you. Its nice to see thsese kinds of people as motivation y'know?
5- Self motivate!: i find this important because its your choice wether you want to work hard and be fit or be a lazy bum. When youre in a situation when you find difficult, make it easy for you (but not too easy). Also, you know what? Every thing is diffcult you just gotta make it easy for your self! If youre in a situation like this, fibd ways to encourage your self to do more, like keep telling your self that youre the champ and you can do this!
And what one of the gym teachers in my school, Mr. Vaughan always says this before doing fitness activities: "Instead of finding ways to say no, find ways to say yes."

Pictures shown:
1rst pic: the time it took me from King George to 144.
2nd pic: me at 144 st.
3rd pic: my total time for running.
4th pic: me at the front of my house.

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