Sunday 26 April 2015

Cooking my own dinner

Cooking my own dinner is pretty cool. i mean since im the one who's drving the car of nutrition i getto have control on what im eating and how much.

Tonight on the round table, Squire Marcia puts the stoves a flame to stir up an asian vegatble stirfry, heavily sprinkled with fish. Which Squire Marcia shall feast upon right after this blog post is complete.  

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Dance week

dance week as a potpourri of "wow i'm so good at this", "eh", and "wow i suck"

Even though i suck, i still dance, no matter how much i sucked.

On a somewhat serious note, i keep myself up throughout the poses that were constantly bombarded at me. also, to me this week was kind of a mental challenge for me. I'm not a good dancer, but i still did it for some reason; maybe it's because of my drive to learn new  things? i'm not sure but i tried the best i can, so i found it achieving.

with my attitude of  trying-and-not-caring-how-bad-i-looked, i hope that my attitude radiates to the the people that surrounded me that day.  

Sunday 19 April 2015


It almost the end of the season, and as a noob of rugby, i got some things to say about the sport.

Rugby is fun, well once you understand the poditions and rules. Also, its different to the sports that i've played, wich was the reason i kept playing; i want to learn more. Even the concept of rugby (in my coach's perspective) is really cool. On the field, during a game our team is a brick wall that no one can go through, and this brick wall can only be achived through communication on the field. So in other words, everyones connected. This was different for me because in sports like basketball, there wasnt alot of connection or communication. In basketball, some can just run the ball by themselves and get a shot by themselves. On the orher hand, in rugby everyones working to get the point, and i like that.

I hope the rest of the team felt that way.


Locomotion was pretty fun... if you minus the feeling of being in a tight room with 1000 others.

I think that day, i pushed my self to limit, cause i mean, i felt like i was going to throw up. Not only that i feel accomplished because i worked all the way to the buzzer. My legs hurt from the one minute lunges, whatever, i worked all the way to the bell :D

Dragontails: class vs class

It was somewhat fun to have tje two band classes to compete... somewhat because in my team we had too many leaders. I found i a problem, because when theres more than one  leader, it gets crazy. At the time a handful of them kept talking over eachother, sharing their ideas of defense or offence. Personally, its nice to see a handful having that kind of drive during a game like this. but in a team so big, we have no time for listening to ten different ideas and debate which one's best to execute.

In a team where everyone wants to be a leader is not great; every team discussion   we get so many people talking over eacher to tell their idea, and because of that, we get disorganized.

In a game like this i care about how we all work together, and seeing this i think it needs some work.

Monday 6 April 2015

At the Y with sarah and anusha

To be frank, tbis is my first time going to the y and my first time to a public gym.
At the time, it was nerve wrecking for me, be it felt intimadating, yet motivating.
Thank heavens i was with my friends that day, i couldve had anxiety and lasted only 5 minutes in there if they werent there 
Anyways not only i went to the gym on that day, right after that i went to rugby practice, so it was a fitness filled day. I smelt gross and grassy after that, but the calories burned to crisps were worth it.
Ps. I would love to do this again.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Buddy project day two: follow up to charriots

On the second day of our buddy project we had to lead our buddies and teach them how to play charriots, just like john and mr. Neuf. When i got fist hand experience on leading, i was suprised at how hard it was, but how rewarding it was in the end. Not only i was pretty bad at explaining the rules to my buddies, i was rather swell at couraging the little ones to try to become that charioteer. Also i was able to keep them motivated when ever they felt discouraged.

It was rewarding in the end, because with all the motivation i gave them, i feel like i was closer to my buddies.

Saturday 4 April 2015


One day we did a team buding game called chariots.

Basically wat youre supposed to do is to get into a group of 4-6. In this group, you will require a jump rope or something that can keep the team together at all times. So with the jump rope one person (the charioteer) has to hold the rope with both hand, while the rest of the team members hold onto the jum rope with one hand; representing the horse of the charriot. All together, in a game the whole teams goal is to grab as many pinis from other charioteers of other chariots. The fun part is the carriot wears the pinis like tails, but cant grab pinis, so who has to get the pinis? The horses.

The team building aspect was the amount of comunication that one has to put. First of all, in a team every one cant be the leader;there needs to be only one, so how my team resolved it was that the charriot is the leader. i think i did a good at it, i mean i was pretty verbal (i hope i wasnt bossy though), and so did Shiraz, Tulin, and Sarah.