Monday 6 April 2015

At the Y with sarah and anusha

To be frank, tbis is my first time going to the y and my first time to a public gym.
At the time, it was nerve wrecking for me, be it felt intimadating, yet motivating.
Thank heavens i was with my friends that day, i couldve had anxiety and lasted only 5 minutes in there if they werent there 
Anyways not only i went to the gym on that day, right after that i went to rugby practice, so it was a fitness filled day. I smelt gross and grassy after that, but the calories burned to crisps were worth it.
Ps. I would love to do this again.


  1. yay! I know what you mean regarding the anxiety, it's a little nerve wrecking when youre working out in public.. I definetly want to try going to the Y one day! :)
