Wednesday 22 April 2015

Dance week

dance week as a potpourri of "wow i'm so good at this", "eh", and "wow i suck"

Even though i suck, i still dance, no matter how much i sucked.

On a somewhat serious note, i keep myself up throughout the poses that were constantly bombarded at me. also, to me this week was kind of a mental challenge for me. I'm not a good dancer, but i still did it for some reason; maybe it's because of my drive to learn new  things? i'm not sure but i tried the best i can, so i found it achieving.

with my attitude of  trying-and-not-caring-how-bad-i-looked, i hope that my attitude radiates to the the people that surrounded me that day.  


  1. I can relate to this post so much! I have to put my mind in that state of "trying and not caring how bad i look(ed)" as well.. and it's hard, but it would be a lot worse if we decide to not try at all! props to you!
