Sunday 19 April 2015


It almost the end of the season, and as a noob of rugby, i got some things to say about the sport.

Rugby is fun, well once you understand the poditions and rules. Also, its different to the sports that i've played, wich was the reason i kept playing; i want to learn more. Even the concept of rugby (in my coach's perspective) is really cool. On the field, during a game our team is a brick wall that no one can go through, and this brick wall can only be achived through communication on the field. So in other words, everyones connected. This was different for me because in sports like basketball, there wasnt alot of connection or communication. In basketball, some can just run the ball by themselves and get a shot by themselves. On the orher hand, in rugby everyones working to get the point, and i like that.

I hope the rest of the team felt that way.


  1. I played rugby my whole life and I agree… one player has little impact on a game compared to other sports. Plus you have to be brave to play rugby… it hurts.

  2. I never played rugby in my life. However this post gave little interest of rugby.

  3. Vat iz zis vrugby yu zpeak ov?

  4. You've got me interested! Love to hear that you're trying something new.
    Maddie S.

  5. im really happy that you went out to join rugby!! your blog has lots of content and i like how you write about the atmosphere of the class.

  6. Glad you decided to try something new! Way to go!
