Sunday 24 May 2015

Buddies: modified baseball and lacrosse

So throughout these two days, i feel like i improved with my leadership skills.

I think that becase, i've been more vocal and outgoing than usual. Maybe its the big sister instincts. Well anyways, i was confident on what i was doing as leader; i was wncouraging, setting an example, and acting like the little buddies are not just team mates but firends.

I was doing modified baseball with Katia, Sarah, and Calista, and let me tell you, they did a great job as leaders and teachers. Katia was really good at being a teacher for the little buddies, while Sarah and Calista were good at cheering for the buddies and encouraging them that they are capable of hitting the ball. All in all, we worked well together and i can see leadership potential among the three.

Samething with lacrosse, but the difference was i noticed that there was one thing that i have to work on. Although i was good at setting the instructions, and brining the team of small buddies together, i was a quiet coach. Unlike Miki, Calista, and Janelle, who were constantly cheering them on, i was rather quiet for a leader. It's becase i didnt know what to say, i was hesitant, which made me feel wierd. Well, i dont like it and next time i'll be as loud as Miki, Calista and Janelle, for i admired their cheering.

Side note:
so far in this buddy project, i feel like i've gotten closer with my buddies (yes i have two). We actually talk to eachother and it wasnt as awkward as it was in the first day. Not only that, being around with my buddies is like having two little sisters with me, and i love it. I hope they see me as a older sister.

Oh no... i'm going to be really sad when this buddy project ends.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this post because you are looking at your own behaviour and reactions during the buddy process. It is totally okay to be a quiet big buddy (especially if you have quiet little buddies who would be scared of someone like me). The key isn't volume, the most important thing (loud or quiet) is that they feel like you are genuine and interested in them. I think you may take a little longer to build that relationship if you feel awkward and quiet but you CAN do it and it sounds like you have started to. I am always sad at the end of buddies AND the end of my regular classes. :(
