Saturday 17 January 2015

capture the flag: gr 9s vs gr 10s and 8s

the other day, we went to the lower feild to play capture the flag, and wasn't that intense?

well, in my opinion it was intense. 
the grade 9s were going in and out of our side; making our defense busy. us, we were all over the place; some of us stayed at our side, some constantly go in the other side, and some just did both (i did that). overall, every one was busy, running, and no matter how the gr 9s tried to get all of our equipment, our team managed to keep getting more equipment. thus keeping the game going without a winner. 

thruought this experience, i notice that theres something in capture the flag that has worth, and that is to push one self to do something that they woundn't want to do. espacially for those who arent as confindent as the others in gym (that would be me :),capture the flag is a grat opprotunity for those to encourage themselves to go out of their confort zone. confort zone like staying put in their side. also, the greatest thing about going out of the confort zone is that the game feels more fun than before. like when i finnally got something from the other side, it feel good, because one: i'm helping my team, and two: it feel like and achivement (in a way).

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