Saturday 17 January 2015

Fitness friday: pond run

for this week's fitness, we did the pond run, and i did it with hannah. 

running with hannah was nice. we were consistent with our pace, our pace was no different, and thruought the run we were mostly together; wich was different. it was different because i normaly do it alone.

the thing about the pond run is that it's all about you, no one is pushing you to try yout hardest. you can choose how you run (you can sprint, jog, or even walk during the 1 min. interval), the thing is, it you who's determining your fitness and how much you tried. 

i used this activity to crontroll my pace and how much i tried by running the whole min.

there were times when hannah and i were like "we can't do this anymore", but we manage to fight that. 

1 comment:

  1. Hannah has been doing SOOOOO much better than when she was younger. I'm glad the two of you are feeding off each other in a positive way.
