Wednesday 28 January 2015

Mid term reflection 2015

During PE this year, how have you shown you are prepared and willing to participate 
in a variety of activities?  On what days have you participated to your best effort and 
why?  What days have been a struggle for you and why?

I'm okay with any of the activities, and I'm willing to work hard on all of them. the thing is, if its an activity that i dont like; lets say baseball or kick ball, i wont put as much effort as i do to activities that i love, like volleyball, capture the flag, and basketball. however, despite my willing to do, i tend to struggle when im not included in the team and when the team is disconnected in any way.

How do you contribute to the overall success of the class?  What kind of attitude do 
you bring and why?  How do you interact with other students in our class?

I contribute to the class by encouraging others. especially to my friends, i tend to encourage them by going out side of the boundary with them. also, when i encourage others i let out a hard working attitude and show them that if i can work really hard and have fun at the same time, they can to.

Describe your participation during fitness days - have you been able to push yourself 
physically?  What types of fitness activities do you enjoy the most?  What fitness 
goals do you have for the rest of the year? 

to be honest, i love fitness days, it's the day where i can bring my self to the peak. i love working hard on those days too, because i know that in the end of the day, the calories burned, the fat burned, the muscle gained, it's all worth it.  

What does "leadership" mean to you?  Who are the best leaders in our class - why?

to me leadership means to able to keep thing in line; no matter the circumstances. leaders are those who can take things seriously for make it fun for their followers. leaders are those who can go out of their way to be the voice. that being said, i  think that Erlynn would make a outstanding leader. 

What improvements would you like to make in PE by the end of the year?  What are 
you the most proud of so far?

I would like to improve on putting people up and going. for example that time were my friends and i go with the other gr 8s and 9s for volleyball, i want them to try and have fun in volleyball , rather than having them getting all frustrated because of their bumps. also, i want to make any team feel like a team, because if im in a team that wants to win, well might as well connect and work together. i used to be part of a sports team and im in band so, to me team work and connection is a factor to success. 

so far this year, i am proud of my beep test score. last year my highest was 6.5 this year, half way thru this year i got up to 8.2  my highest! :D

I would give myself a 75% for this class (/-_-)/~~~ \(p_Q\)

1 comment:

  1. Marcia you were a quiet hard worker last year… this year I see you impacting other and looking for ways to connect. It won't always be easy, and it won't even work lots of the time… but the effort is worth it. Keep thinking, reflecting, and trying new ways to connect and impact others. :) I'm gonna give you 86% so far. Keep the blog posts going, and let me know how your new ideas are working.
