Saturday 24 January 2015

Probably one of the hardest things to do

I noticed something, i noticed that connecting and being connected with others is a hard thing to do. First of all at the time, my friends and i were playing with the grade 8s and 9s, and most of them we did not have the the time or no time to get to know them. It was evidient because when were in the same team, we dont get along, like there doing their own way, and im doing it my way. Because of this we were confused and some what frustrated. Also, since we bearly know eachother, some felt awkward to ask our friends and i questions, and viceversa. I used to be in a volley ball team, and here the whole team should work together if the team wnats to win.

(Im babbling again, oops)
(Very mature Hannah) 👌


  1. I love that you keep up to date with your blog! I also love that in this post you didn't focus about the physical aspect of p.e but the atmosphere and the environment that should be in p.e!

  2. Its good that you noticed the problems of being in a group and learn from the problems. Great Job!

  3. I like this too… except… so what now?
