Wednesday 15 October 2014

loco motion

last fitness, we had to do loco motion. here, we had to run and do a bunch of work outs across the field for a minute or thirty seconds. i thought it was fun until i realized that this activity is all about pacing. ever since i heard that pacing is key, i was dying; it wasnt that fun. thus, in the end, the only thing that i had a problem on was just pacing my self.

to be honest, the biggest problem that i have in P.E was just pacing, so since thats the case i can set this as my personal goal.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Four Pillars

Final Portfolio Assessment "Report Card" Post - Active Learning 2014


During gym, i always participate. fist i show it by my attendance and how i usually wear my gym strip. usually, because there are times where i dont wear my strip, but thats when i get gym unexpectedly (like today). second, during the activities, i try best and try to get the most out of it. for example, when i play speed ball, i wasnt good at both soccer or rugby; i fail to catch the ball, run with the ball, and i cant score. however, the fact i tried shows that i worked at my highest intensity level. third, aside from my disabilities, i have abilities too. for example, i am more skillful when i play games that i am more familiar with, like basket ball and volley ball. also, in these spots i showed my skill level by how i hit the ball in volley ball, and how i check my opponents in basketball. fourth, when it comes to choice days, i pick what i like, whats new, and whats fun. i like activities like capture the flag, ultimate Frisbee, volley ball and basket ball. also, new activities like this European handball game that involves trampolines. thus, i am very involved within the class, by my attendance, how i wear my gym strip, intensity level, skill level, and choice of activities on choice days. 


Social responsibility and contribution to the class:

Thu ought the year, i've noticed many changes regarding this pillar. first, i've noticed how out going i have been. for example, in the beginning, i was that quiet kid who always roams in the gym alone. however this changed when i made friends during this period, and because of this i've worked better with my peers. second, i work well with my peers now, because i never argue or give them tension. also, i enjoy working with my peers, because i can make friends this way. third, i show social responsibility by making every on in a team included. every team-activity, im always aware on whos included or whos excluded, because its a team and team mean every one works together. i also include others by cheering and encouraging others. fourth, i show my contribution to the class by helping out with the equipment. i dont always help with the equipment, but there are times when i do. however, comparing with how much i contributed in the first semester and this semester, i can safely say that i did more than i did before. in conclusion, my social responsibility and controbution shows when i work well with my peers, exclude others in a team, and when i help the class set up equipment.


Healthy living: 

  When it comes to healthy living, i would say that its decent. first, im aware with my health and especially how i eat because i think this is the problem regarding my health. for example, i watch what i eat, like before i get something from the store, i check the nutrition facts to see if its okay. also, because of this, i feel healthier. second, with my fitness test scores, i have learned how well or bad im doing on maintaining a moderate rate. for example when my beep test score drops, it tells me that im either not pushing hard enough, or im not eating well as i should be. also, when i see that my scores increased like the sit and reach one, it teaches me how my practices at home helped me to get to level 4 or 5. third, my out side of school activity needs improving. this needs improving, because i dont do it daily. however, when i do outside fitness, i usually go out run or walk for an hour, but i dont think its still enough. lastly, my healthy living is deacent, because how aware i am with my diet, my understanding with the test scores, and my outside activity (which need to be improved, but it will during the summer). 


Digital portfolio and reflective skills:

My digital portfolio is not the best, but not the worst. first it is not the worst, because of the number of posts that i have. however, i shows that i dont post regularly, and thats a problem. also its a problem, because it shows that dont develop a habit of doing it. second, its not the worst, because the evidence that i give. the evidence contains mostly pictures and some videos, and it usually features people who i worked with during the activities. third, my reflective skills have improved. for example, in the beginning of the year, all i said was what i did, but now i dug a deeper than that. instead, i wrote more about my experience and my opinions about the activity. last, i can safely say that my portfolio needs improvement, because of the lack of habit, and weak evidence. 

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Pond Run Relay

aight, honestly this was one of my favourite activities, but the hardest. "hardest" i mean hardest to keep up, because it felt that this whole activity was all about me vs. me. lso, i made a goal, and the goal was to not to walk and keep a constant pace in each lap i had. the good news was that i did not run and i did kept up the pace, so i was satisfied about my efforts. also, having the people im my team cheer for me was the best. their cheerings and encouragements really gave me more confidence for myself. thus cheering for them back, because -hopefully- they get the same effect as me. 

April 25: Scottish Mile and Other Stuff

it was a fitness day, so the first thing we did was the Scottish mile. there, basically, youre in a group and you try your hardest to keep up with your group. also, i wasnt so hard and it was fun. after the Scottish mile my group and i did a baton relay. at the time i was exited, because it was something that i havent done in a while. also, because of that i did my very best.

in the Scottish mile, i learnt about catching up with the team, and in the baton relay, i learnt about working together within the team.

April 17: Volley Ball

It was a choice day, so i picked volley ball, because the other activities were not my bast fit. anyways, and to be honest, our team wasnt good at volley ball. however, it didnt changed the mood within the court and it wasnt so bad. actually, i enjoyed it, because of how high-spirited the players were. even though we all know that most of us suck at volley ball, that kind of thinking didnt stop us from having a great time. also, playing volley ball with them was kind of refreshing, because there, none of us cared about winning. instead we cared about having a great time. lastly, at that day, i learnt that one doesnt have to be good physically, but socially.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Community Run

Alrighty, at fist I did not expect that I was actually going to work for this week's fitness, but since I'm that kind of person who thinks that giving up is the last thing I want to do in my life; I did by best. For this exercise I went alone, because everyone has a different pace, and I would rather stay within my pace and see what I would get with it. Also, I didnt have a goal, because I want to see where I am and the things that I can improved on fpr thenext run. Turns out that the only thing I need to improve on was walking. Next time I will lessen my time for walking.
(Also, sorry, Joel I didn't mean to take a picture of you._.)

The Hill Run

So on fitness friday (day of the free) we had to do the hill run, and the hill was. . . unexpected. I thought the teachers were exagerating, but what can I do? Also what I learned at the run was pacing myself. Its very important, because during the first lap I kind of like sprinted to the top of the hill; causing me to be slow, and tired during the rest of my laps.

Fast Ball (huff huff)

EXTREMELY LATE POST  (=__=") <*sigh*

Okay, so the other day last week we played fast ball (thats the name right). Basically its a combination of soccer and rugby, and I wasnt good at it but whatever. Anyway, when it comes to playing the game, when the ball is on the ground; its soccer,  but when the ball becomes airborne and someone catches it; its rugby until someone tags the person holding the ball it changes back to soccer.

I like this game, because its different and its game where I dont stand around spacing out. Also, every one did a geat job.

Monday 7 April 2014

Capture the flag

In stead of being inside the weight room; we went out side to play capture the flag.

At first setting up was rough, because we werent clear on what we wanted to do. There were two choices, capture the flag or ultimate. There were mixed choices at the time, and many of us kept chainging our minds; its very confusing. However, i wanted both so i told palvi about combining the two together. She thought it was intresting so she said,
"Let your voice be heard" so i did, but then we ended up playing capture the flag, because no one was listening, and just jummped into the band wagon.

Today i lernt two new things:
1. "Let your voice be heard"
2. FIRST DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, THEN SET UP. Sorry, it was driving me crazy.

Dodge ball

Last week the class were at the small gym, and all we did was playing dodge ball.

However, i noticed things about the class at the time. I noticed how involved everyone was, and i liked the fact that every one was having fun. Also, even though i suck at playing dodge ball i still enjoyed it.

You dont have to be good at something when your already enjoying it. And thats what i learnt at the time.

Back to school fitness

So last week, on a tuesday, we did the pond run, and in the pond run we run for a minute and recover/walk another minute. Here, my goal is to keep running after i recover, and it wasnt easy. However, thanks to the suport and motivation from my friend shadnum, i was able to keep my pace, and meet my goal. Without her as my running buddy, i wouldve gave up.

I felt a sense of courage from her, and i felt that wasnt alone in gym for once. We dont often see each other, but being able to be running buddies with her changed the experience of the pond run.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Fitness tuesday

For firness tuesday we did the pyramid workout. Wasnt my favorite to be honest, but it didnt stop me from trying. I didnt work with anyone, because i was practicing self motivation. My goal for this activity was to finish it as quick as possible (thats what were supose to do, right?). Anyways i achived it, and i felt good about that. Yay!

This is just me v-sitting. . .

Friday 28 February 2014

Fitness friday

Today we did sonething similar to the pond run. Without the pond, in a team of three, and bean bags. However we most certainly ran for a minute. In the group of three, there was (sorry if i spelt the names wrong) Mickayla, Amrit, and me! In our runs, we did awesome; i was very proud of what we did as a team. We all gave our best shot, maintain our paces, and cheered for each other.

For this activity, my goal was to pace and dont run. I achived it and im very happy.

It has been a positive and proactive day for me. :D

I even made snow men!

Sunday 16 February 2014

Working out

So last thursday, we went to the weight room and did workouts. The work outs we did were from the internet. Also the workout we picked have to fit us and our goals. For example, if you want to get muscles without being a stead-head (this is the goal btw), dont look for fat-burning workouts. Instead, look for muscle building workouts.

I didnt have a goal actually, but i picked a workout that will benifit me and my health. The workout i picked was a fat-burning work out. I liked it because its fun, i dont need to use machines, and its something i can do at home, so i dont need to go to a gym. I also thought that this is effective because it requires a lot of moving. Especially jumping.


I didnt like insanity this time, it wasnt the best fitness day. However wether i like it or not i still did it. Id rather get over it than giving up. I hate givng up, period.

This was a ridiculously late post, sorry.

Haha still smiling after 45 mins of hell.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Fitness test

Todays fitness assesment, i felt a bit disapointed about my beeptest score. It wasnt where i want it to be. I can say that the long break (last week) was the reason why, but it shouldnt be it. Well, i did slept more than i shouldve during the break (since i longed for it). However, i can go out do stuff its just that i chose not to. But on the other hand, i did improve some other stuff... well heres the old one:
Beep test: 8
Plank: 27 secs
T test: 12 secs
Ballance: 10 touches (i did not specify on how long i was on the board. Sorry)
Pushups: 25
Sit and reach: lvl 3 (i did not specify on how long i did it. Sorry)
Hieght: 210 jump: 240

And heres the new one:
Beep test: 7.3
Sit n reach: lvl 4 for 30 secs
Hieght: 210 jump: 240
Push up: 30
Balance board: 20 touches in a min.
Plank: 54 secs.

pics shown:
1- total time to finish T-
2- total time to plank
3- total time to do the sit n reach (lvl 4

Saturday 1 February 2014

My afternoon run ii

After that, i still need work on pacing.... :p

My afternoon run

This afternoon i ran from King Geoge blvd. to 144 st. This took me not a very long time to achive this goal and i felt very good about it. Before i decided to go straight home, i went a bit farther, so the run took me a total 30 minutes. Wow.

In addition, i would like to add a few tips of mine when going out for a run. I just thought of these while running so i'd like to share (this is something that i shouldve added to my last post):
1- Stretch: its important to warm up your body before running or else you'll end up with stiff-moving joints. Loosen up dont be up tight
2- Set a goal: doing this will keep you motivated!
3- Listen to up beat music: its nice to listen to different kinds of music. However, i prefer something like dance, techno, dubstep, or anyrhing that will keep you up and enegetic!
4- Find inspiration: probaly, when your out to exercise, you might see other people doing the samething, working hard as you or working harder than you. Its nice to see thsese kinds of people as motivation y'know?
5- Self motivate!: i find this important because its your choice wether you want to work hard and be fit or be a lazy bum. When youre in a situation when you find difficult, make it easy for you (but not too easy). Also, you know what? Every thing is diffcult you just gotta make it easy for your self! If youre in a situation like this, fibd ways to encourage your self to do more, like keep telling your self that youre the champ and you can do this!
And what one of the gym teachers in my school, Mr. Vaughan always says this before doing fitness activities: "Instead of finding ways to say no, find ways to say yes."

Pictures shown:
1rst pic: the time it took me from King George to 144.
2nd pic: me at 144 st.
3rd pic: my total time for running.
4th pic: me at the front of my house.

Friday 31 January 2014

Comunity Run

today for fitness, we did a community run. The run took me 22:18 minutes; i felt good good about the time. However, every time i finish a run or some thing like that, i think that i could've done better. For example, i could've paced better, or i could've lessen my time of walking. Aside from that, at least i know my weak spots and why i have these weak spots. :3

pacing is something that i struggle the most in P.E and that the face i walked more than i should was no good either. Better self motivate during these kinds of situations!

in addition i didn't like this activity i thought it was boring (maybe its because you were by yourself , Marcia). 

Friday 17 January 2014

Final Report for Semester 1

Semester 2 is around the corner! Oh my, i cant wait; it has all of my favorite subjects and most importantly.... first BAND TRIP! 

On a serious note, its almost the end of the semester, so that means i have to make this important blog post for P.E..

During PE this year, how have you shown you are prepared and willing to participate 
in a variety of activities?

Well first of all, i love P.E. and i will try my best to make the P.E. block not much of a waste of time. 
Im often on my gym strip and i im ready to give it my best shot!

On what days have you participated to your best effort and why?  What days have been a struggle for you and why?

I participate to my best effort on most of the activities and have fun with them, but i sometimes struggle on the activities that im not very familiar with (like softball, hokey, and Ping Pong). 
Really, i no matter how bad i am, i will at least try, because its always better to try the thing that you're not good at.

How do you contribute to the overall success of the class?  What kind of attitude do 
you bring and why?  How do you interact with other students in our class?

I often give a positive attitude, and i tell my peers that they did an awesome job at something. However, most importantly, i want to show that you're able to do anything in P.E. just by working hard and believing yourself. 

Describe your participation during fitness days - have you been able to push yourself 
physically?  What types of fitness activities do you enjoy the most?  What fitness 
goals do you have for the rest of the year? 

During fitness days, i work hard to reach my goals (like improving my beep test scores by 1, getting that "ugly face", etc.) and work with a smile. The reason for that is, i like fitness days, honestly. I especially love the activities that involve a lot of aerobics and running, because i feel that these are one of my strengths. Through out this year i realized how important my health is and if i follow the latest trends today (like the growth of obesity), i wont live a happy healthy, life.
(I watch allot of shows about the obesity epidemic and why most of us are obese). 

What improvements would you like to make in PE by the end of the year?  What are 
you the most proud of so far?

What i want to improve on is my cardiovascular endurance and my flexibility because i think that these are my weak spots when the day of the beep test come.However, what im really proud of doing is my latest beep test score (i got an 8)! I was proud of this because on my first beep test of this year i got a 5.

On behalf of this semester, i think i now deserve a B because of my great efforts to improve, participation, attendance, preparedness, and my positive attitude.