Monday 13 July 2015

Biking = 1 hour

Today i biked from 64ave to bear creek park, then from there i biked all the way to 144ave, and then back to 64ave.

Getting to bear creek wasnt so bad since three thirds of it was down hill. However, going to 144ave was hard; most if the way there was uphill. I wished i brought water.

So after i accomplished my journey to 144, ging back to 64 was just as bad.

After all that uphill bike riding, i'm feeling good about it, because i fought myself during this trip. All the way, i didnt give in and did my best.

Not only that, there were improvements on my biking speed. Foe example, from 144 ave to 64ave, i travelled fastwr than before. Before, it would take me 45 min to complete it, but now it took me only 15 min. I'm so happy about that~

Thursday 11 June 2015

My final post

1) Participation:
Aside from being in my gym strip, I think i did well; much better than before i must say. for example, last year, i was so quiet, such a wall flower; this year's different. this year, I've become more vocal, and then in the end of the year, i tend to take the role of a leader, which is a huge difference! Here are some examples:

22/25 For this part

2) Social Responsibility and Contribution to the Class:

This is something that i need to work on. first of all, working with other people outside of my group is very hard for me; probably because i tend to be shy and judgmental, but nonetheless its no good. Secondly, there are times where i feel hesitant with being the leader. Especially being the leader of a big group (like a class team). i know a handful of people that have that amazing drive to leadership (i do to:P), but having a hundred leaders is trouble some, so i tend to back down. Third, instead of being a leader i choose to be the one to set an example. The example that i want to give off is someone who is positive, a kind listener, and a hard worker. So i guess setting a good example is a way of contributing to the wellness of the team. 

On the other hand, i'm always willing to help and set up for activities. Especially in the last months of this school year (when i now feel comfortable with my class), i volunteer on getting the equipment.

19/25: my social skills could do some work

3) Healthy Living:

I used to be very involved with sports, such as basket ball, volley ball, and track. however, ever since i moved to a whole new school and city, i kind of neglected my club activities. It's due to the fact that i didn't feel so confident about myself. for example when i was grade 8, i tried out for the basketball team, i made it to the team, but i didn't go to the practices, due to my lack of confidence. however, today's different... SO different! Ever since i joined the rugby team, i realized how fun it was to be in a team. Thus, my goal for the next two years is to join rugby and volley ball.

Digital portfolio/reflective posts:

Okay, so obviously, i suck at posting regularly, period.

When i actally do my posts, i really think about them. Also, as i write them I think about the athmosphere. Sometimes i point out places that need improvement. 

If i post regularly it'd be cool.

Overall i thnk that i earn 75%, even thoug i paeticipated in class with positve energy, i wasnt so keen on my posting habits; even though its reflective.

My Mom Reads My Blog


1) Have you read your son/daughters blog? Was there anything that surprised you or stood out immediately? What was your favourite part about reading his/her reflections? What did you learn about your son/daughter that you didn't know before reading the blog? What part of your child's growth/personality has been reaffirmed for you? What is missing in the blog that you think s/he should include for the teacher or peers? If you were evaluating him/her on his/her blogging efforts, what would you say? What would you give him/her out of 25? How did you come up with that number?

Yes, I read my daughter's blog. My favourite part was when she encouraged the team to know each other so they can play better, is such a good feeling for a mother to see your child can do something for others. I'll give her 20/25. Not too perfect but i'm satisfied.


2) What do you notice about your child's health choices outside of school? What activity and or diet choices does s/he make on their own? What exercise/eating choices are encouraged buy the family/household? Did you see any evidence of this in his/her blog? What is missing that should be included? What improvements do you think your child could/should make to further his/her understanding and participation in his/her own health? What things can you as parent do to push this learning/practice? If you were to evaluate your son/daughter on their progress towards personal healthy life choices what would you say? What mark would you give them out of 25 for his/her efforts and demonstration of those efforts in the blog? How did you come up with that number?

Actually, I can see that Marcia is aware of what she's eating. As teenager, mostly they don't like vegetables and fish, but for Marcia, she can eat those stuffs everyday without complaints. If missing something, probably more pictures. For further understanding  about health? She should continue reading and watching all documentaries about health and lifestyle livings. This time i give her 25/25 for the efforts.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Buddies: modified baseball and lacrosse

So throughout these two days, i feel like i improved with my leadership skills.

I think that becase, i've been more vocal and outgoing than usual. Maybe its the big sister instincts. Well anyways, i was confident on what i was doing as leader; i was wncouraging, setting an example, and acting like the little buddies are not just team mates but firends.

I was doing modified baseball with Katia, Sarah, and Calista, and let me tell you, they did a great job as leaders and teachers. Katia was really good at being a teacher for the little buddies, while Sarah and Calista were good at cheering for the buddies and encouraging them that they are capable of hitting the ball. All in all, we worked well together and i can see leadership potential among the three.

Samething with lacrosse, but the difference was i noticed that there was one thing that i have to work on. Although i was good at setting the instructions, and brining the team of small buddies together, i was a quiet coach. Unlike Miki, Calista, and Janelle, who were constantly cheering them on, i was rather quiet for a leader. It's becase i didnt know what to say, i was hesitant, which made me feel wierd. Well, i dont like it and next time i'll be as loud as Miki, Calista and Janelle, for i admired their cheering.

Side note:
so far in this buddy project, i feel like i've gotten closer with my buddies (yes i have two). We actually talk to eachother and it wasnt as awkward as it was in the first day. Not only that, being around with my buddies is like having two little sisters with me, and i love it. I hope they see me as a older sister.

Oh no... i'm going to be really sad when this buddy project ends.


So, half of neufs class amd i decided to organize a lacrosse activity ourselves.

It was pretty difficult to get everyones attention, but we managed to get the group (consists of mostly meufs class and some students from other gym classes) divided into teams. Before we actually play the game, we advised thw red and blue team to practice throwing and catching the ball. At the time, i was in team blue, and there (at first) everyone was passing the ball to the people that they are close to. Im not saying it was a bad thing, its just that be because of that, some of our team mates were leftout and thats an issue. Due to my observation i encouraged everyone to get to know eachother a little so that they can work together effectively. In the end me stepping up and promoting to the team felt good. I also felt that i've grown up a little; taking the initiative to bring a positive contribution to others by myself.

I would also like to add that team work and knowing your matesis very important to me, so that was why i did that.

Ps. Very proud on what we did there, amazing job blue team!! v(。・ω・。)v

Hm, Gym Class...why?

lately, i've  been pondering about why i go to gym class.

every class i'm ready with the appropriate attire, and with the appropriate attitude. 
every class i try my best, even though there are activities that i have a burning hatred of (insanity)
 let's talk about the activities that i dont like. 

i can skip class whenever the activity is something that i dont like; i can skip class when ever i want, but i dont, so why?
why do i show up for fitness and follow some sweaty, panting, beefcake on some workout video? 
why do i try my hardest in hill runs, even though my ass hurts like no tomorrow? and why do i keep repeating that?

well, first of all, it's because i want to set an example for those who are giving up or gave up (during fitness); i want to encourage them tat they can do it, i want to make them believe that they can surpass the negativity and the 'i cant do it's. 

also, another reason is that, my friends are there. my friends are the best, they motivate me, and i motivate them. not only that, gym is fun when i'm with them.

Lastly, going to gym class is a way for met to relieve stress. doing fitness takes my mind off of anything that gives me anxiety, and if i try harder in gym, i can relieve my anxiety. in addtion, rugby is the same thing, and its a way to let out my anger. i love it.   

Sunday 26 April 2015

Cooking my own dinner

Cooking my own dinner is pretty cool. i mean since im the one who's drving the car of nutrition i getto have control on what im eating and how much.

Tonight on the round table, Squire Marcia puts the stoves a flame to stir up an asian vegatble stirfry, heavily sprinkled with fish. Which Squire Marcia shall feast upon right after this blog post is complete.  

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Dance week

dance week as a potpourri of "wow i'm so good at this", "eh", and "wow i suck"

Even though i suck, i still dance, no matter how much i sucked.

On a somewhat serious note, i keep myself up throughout the poses that were constantly bombarded at me. also, to me this week was kind of a mental challenge for me. I'm not a good dancer, but i still did it for some reason; maybe it's because of my drive to learn new  things? i'm not sure but i tried the best i can, so i found it achieving.

with my attitude of  trying-and-not-caring-how-bad-i-looked, i hope that my attitude radiates to the the people that surrounded me that day.  

Sunday 19 April 2015


It almost the end of the season, and as a noob of rugby, i got some things to say about the sport.

Rugby is fun, well once you understand the poditions and rules. Also, its different to the sports that i've played, wich was the reason i kept playing; i want to learn more. Even the concept of rugby (in my coach's perspective) is really cool. On the field, during a game our team is a brick wall that no one can go through, and this brick wall can only be achived through communication on the field. So in other words, everyones connected. This was different for me because in sports like basketball, there wasnt alot of connection or communication. In basketball, some can just run the ball by themselves and get a shot by themselves. On the orher hand, in rugby everyones working to get the point, and i like that.

I hope the rest of the team felt that way.


Locomotion was pretty fun... if you minus the feeling of being in a tight room with 1000 others.

I think that day, i pushed my self to limit, cause i mean, i felt like i was going to throw up. Not only that i feel accomplished because i worked all the way to the buzzer. My legs hurt from the one minute lunges, whatever, i worked all the way to the bell :D

Dragontails: class vs class

It was somewhat fun to have tje two band classes to compete... somewhat because in my team we had too many leaders. I found i a problem, because when theres more than one  leader, it gets crazy. At the time a handful of them kept talking over eachother, sharing their ideas of defense or offence. Personally, its nice to see a handful having that kind of drive during a game like this. but in a team so big, we have no time for listening to ten different ideas and debate which one's best to execute.

In a team where everyone wants to be a leader is not great; every team discussion   we get so many people talking over eacher to tell their idea, and because of that, we get disorganized.

In a game like this i care about how we all work together, and seeing this i think it needs some work.

Monday 6 April 2015

At the Y with sarah and anusha

To be frank, tbis is my first time going to the y and my first time to a public gym.
At the time, it was nerve wrecking for me, be it felt intimadating, yet motivating.
Thank heavens i was with my friends that day, i couldve had anxiety and lasted only 5 minutes in there if they werent there 
Anyways not only i went to the gym on that day, right after that i went to rugby practice, so it was a fitness filled day. I smelt gross and grassy after that, but the calories burned to crisps were worth it.
Ps. I would love to do this again.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Buddy project day two: follow up to charriots

On the second day of our buddy project we had to lead our buddies and teach them how to play charriots, just like john and mr. Neuf. When i got fist hand experience on leading, i was suprised at how hard it was, but how rewarding it was in the end. Not only i was pretty bad at explaining the rules to my buddies, i was rather swell at couraging the little ones to try to become that charioteer. Also i was able to keep them motivated when ever they felt discouraged.

It was rewarding in the end, because with all the motivation i gave them, i feel like i was closer to my buddies.

Saturday 4 April 2015


One day we did a team buding game called chariots.

Basically wat youre supposed to do is to get into a group of 4-6. In this group, you will require a jump rope or something that can keep the team together at all times. So with the jump rope one person (the charioteer) has to hold the rope with both hand, while the rest of the team members hold onto the jum rope with one hand; representing the horse of the charriot. All together, in a game the whole teams goal is to grab as many pinis from other charioteers of other chariots. The fun part is the carriot wears the pinis like tails, but cant grab pinis, so who has to get the pinis? The horses.

The team building aspect was the amount of comunication that one has to put. First of all, in a team every one cant be the leader;there needs to be only one, so how my team resolved it was that the charriot is the leader. i think i did a good at it, i mean i was pretty verbal (i hope i wasnt bossy though), and so did Shiraz, Tulin, and Sarah.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Buddy Project Day One

At last i finally met my buddy, and my buddy was pretty shy at first, but thats okay it takes time.

Anyways for the first day of the buddy project, we played dragon tails, and i was happy to see the enthusiasm that the kids had and how we conducted the activity. First of all, i was glad to see that my buddy was really involved in the game and how she went out of her by herself to be the one to behold the band, because when i was her age i couldnt do that, so i was proudof her. Also, the positive and energetic athmosphere is another thing that i love so much about being with children, and i look forward to day 2 or our project. 

Saturday 28 February 2015

Dragon Tails

ON Wednesday, were went out side to the upper field along with Mr. Davis's class. 
There, the student-teacher, John crated a game called dragon tails. how i understood it, it's like a combination of tails, dr. doge ball, and foot ball. The tails aspect is that when one pulls another's tail, the one who looses the tail is out. Then the dr. dogeball aspect is there when one has to pull the tail of the one with a rubber band on their wrist. finally the football aspect is there when the only way to score is to have the  one with rubber band (the doctor so-to-speak) go to the end of the field. Dragon tails was really fun for it was new, and inclusive, which was one thing that i appreciate about having John join our class. I'm looking forward to new ideas and I'm sure every one else is; may be confusing at first, but we get through it every time.  

when we played it all of us were divided by grade (a team of 10s, another of 8s, and two teams of grade nines), and i was surprised that the team that i was in was surprisingly inclusive and it feels like a team, which i find unusual. anyways, it was really fun and i admired the grade 9's team work, and grade 10's inclusiveness.  

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Mid term reflection 2015

During PE this year, how have you shown you are prepared and willing to participate 
in a variety of activities?  On what days have you participated to your best effort and 
why?  What days have been a struggle for you and why?

I'm okay with any of the activities, and I'm willing to work hard on all of them. the thing is, if its an activity that i dont like; lets say baseball or kick ball, i wont put as much effort as i do to activities that i love, like volleyball, capture the flag, and basketball. however, despite my willing to do, i tend to struggle when im not included in the team and when the team is disconnected in any way.

How do you contribute to the overall success of the class?  What kind of attitude do 
you bring and why?  How do you interact with other students in our class?

I contribute to the class by encouraging others. especially to my friends, i tend to encourage them by going out side of the boundary with them. also, when i encourage others i let out a hard working attitude and show them that if i can work really hard and have fun at the same time, they can to.

Describe your participation during fitness days - have you been able to push yourself 
physically?  What types of fitness activities do you enjoy the most?  What fitness 
goals do you have for the rest of the year? 

to be honest, i love fitness days, it's the day where i can bring my self to the peak. i love working hard on those days too, because i know that in the end of the day, the calories burned, the fat burned, the muscle gained, it's all worth it.  

What does "leadership" mean to you?  Who are the best leaders in our class - why?

to me leadership means to able to keep thing in line; no matter the circumstances. leaders are those who can take things seriously for make it fun for their followers. leaders are those who can go out of their way to be the voice. that being said, i  think that Erlynn would make a outstanding leader. 

What improvements would you like to make in PE by the end of the year?  What are 
you the most proud of so far?

I would like to improve on putting people up and going. for example that time were my friends and i go with the other gr 8s and 9s for volleyball, i want them to try and have fun in volleyball , rather than having them getting all frustrated because of their bumps. also, i want to make any team feel like a team, because if im in a team that wants to win, well might as well connect and work together. i used to be part of a sports team and im in band so, to me team work and connection is a factor to success. 

so far this year, i am proud of my beep test score. last year my highest was 6.5 this year, half way thru this year i got up to 8.2  my highest! :D

I would give myself a 75% for this class (/-_-)/~~~ \(p_Q\)

Steamed Salmon: A Beter Choice

steaming food and baking food is a better and healthy choice, because when fried, im using oil. and oil can be fatty, and besides that the fat from the fish will seep and set into the salmon. anyways im saying this because this is a saving grace for me, because my goal is to use less oil than my family would normally use.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Probably one of the hardest things to do

I noticed something, i noticed that connecting and being connected with others is a hard thing to do. First of all at the time, my friends and i were playing with the grade 8s and 9s, and most of them we did not have the the time or no time to get to know them. It was evidient because when were in the same team, we dont get along, like there doing their own way, and im doing it my way. Because of this we were confused and some what frustrated. Also, since we bearly know eachother, some felt awkward to ask our friends and i questions, and viceversa. I used to be in a volley ball team, and here the whole team should work together if the team wnats to win.

(Im babbling again, oops)
(Very mature Hannah) 👌

Fitness: hill run

For the hill run my goal was to run more then 5 laps, and hooray, i ended up doing 7 laps!

The hill run wasnt so bad, really its just that the part where i walk down the hill wss hard. As i rest down the hill, i learnt that it only hurts when you stand around; i did that once and after that my legs were in pain. So in conclusion, its best to keep the muscles moving and the lungs breathing. Other wise its gonna cramp and the lungs will loose breath.

Another thing that i picked up on this activity was pacing. Here, pacing played a big role, and the whole idea of this activity is to run the whole interval thing without stopping. I didnt stop even once, because i found the pace that i can keep up, and id rather not follow other paces, because it can be too slow or too fast.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Fitness friday: pond run

for this week's fitness, we did the pond run, and i did it with hannah. 

running with hannah was nice. we were consistent with our pace, our pace was no different, and thruought the run we were mostly together; wich was different. it was different because i normaly do it alone.

the thing about the pond run is that it's all about you, no one is pushing you to try yout hardest. you can choose how you run (you can sprint, jog, or even walk during the 1 min. interval), the thing is, it you who's determining your fitness and how much you tried. 

i used this activity to crontroll my pace and how much i tried by running the whole min.

there were times when hannah and i were like "we can't do this anymore", but we manage to fight that. 

capture the flag: gr 9s vs gr 10s and 8s

the other day, we went to the lower feild to play capture the flag, and wasn't that intense?

well, in my opinion it was intense. 
the grade 9s were going in and out of our side; making our defense busy. us, we were all over the place; some of us stayed at our side, some constantly go in the other side, and some just did both (i did that). overall, every one was busy, running, and no matter how the gr 9s tried to get all of our equipment, our team managed to keep getting more equipment. thus keeping the game going without a winner. 

thruought this experience, i notice that theres something in capture the flag that has worth, and that is to push one self to do something that they woundn't want to do. espacially for those who arent as confindent as the others in gym (that would be me :),capture the flag is a grat opprotunity for those to encourage themselves to go out of their confort zone. confort zone like staying put in their side. also, the greatest thing about going out of the confort zone is that the game feels more fun than before. like when i finnally got something from the other side, it feel good, because one: i'm helping my team, and two: it feel like and achivement (in a way).